Sunday, March 6, 2011

Remembering my Grandma...

On my sister's 21st birthday my Grandma Laura passed away surrounded by many loved ones. Being one of the family members that was there when my Grandma passed away was a very spiritual experience. I've never experienced someone so close to me pass away and this is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. Even though watching her pass was sad, it was also very precious because I believe that what I saw was my Grandma on her way to heaven.

My Grandma was an amazing person. I do not know anybody that didn't like her. She was kind, loving, compassionate, and selfless. She loved all 6 of her kids, 13 grandchildren, and 4 great grandchildren. She left behind her a family that she formed the foundation for and was ultimately the glue that held us together. Without her there wouldn't be my mom, which means there wouldn't be me, and I wouldn't have my boys. I am thankful for her and am blessed to have been able to call her my Grandma. Even though my Grandma's passing is hard to bear because she was such an incredible person, I know she is in a better and beautiful place and now my boys have a guardian angel watching over them. That thought in itself brings me peace and that she is no longer suffering from her disease. Now because she is gone all I will have until we meet again in heaven is the memories I have of her, and there are so many great memories of her that it won't be hard to come up with one. She was and will always be such a beautiful person inside and out!

Below is a poem that my cousin Brice wrote about our Grandma. He read this poem at her memorial service. I think he did a great job! I would also like to thank everyone for the love and support that was shown to my family during this sad time in our lives. I was overwhelmed by the kindness and thoughtfulness that the people around us showed. We can never say thank you enough!

Loving Mother, Loving Grandmother
We received so many card and flowers from family and friends
The mountains looked beautiful on the day of her service.
My Grandma loved the Colorado mountains and
every time I look at them I think of her
My mom and her brothers and sisters with my Grandma's sisters

My Grandma's 6 kids
My Grandma's 13 grandchildren

To My Grandma Laura
by Brice Maiuro

In a room just big enough for you
We all managed to find a place
We moved chairs, rearranged ourselves
So we could see your beautiful face

Your breaths, deep and brittle
Made me realize that I should never
Let a breath slip by unnoticed
This one’s for you, chasing forever

Those three words were in every breath
You ever took, gentle lady
Your eyes shining in the lingering glow
Of a Colorado sun, fading

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a quieter room
But every picture on the walls
Spoke a thousand words and a thousand more
Memories you’ve sewn into us all

We turned away that night
Sacrificing kisses to your glowing cheeks
As soon as we were away from you
You thought it sound to sleep

You reached up for your breaths
As if you were stopping them from reaching God
I know in my heart, you wanted to stay
The most beautiful way for you to be flawed

Don’t worry, angel
You’re still in my dreams
The breaths that I take
You’re sewn in at the seams

I wish I could hug you
When each day is done
I’ll have to see your pretty face
In the Colorado sun

Look down from heaven at us all
See our faces, looking to the clouds
You are inside of all of us
And you should be so proud

And before this little prayer is through
Please know, Grandma, that we‘re proud of you too

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