Monday, December 29, 2014

{15 Reasons}

why I am crazy about my boys...

#1. Their love is absolutely unconditional. They love me for me! Whether that be the pajama clad, crazy bun mommy or the frazzled, stressed, on laundry duty strike mommy. Their precious love grounds me and reminds me what is truly important. 

#2. They are cute without even having to try. The things they say, the way they say things, the things they do, it is just all so cute. I still even think their little boy farts, though smelly, are pretty darn cute! The same does not go for my hubby. 

#3. They love to dance and so do I. Some of my favorite moments spent in our home are when we have our impromptu dance parties. I love watching them get their groove on and just have no inhibitions. They even put up with my techno music. 

#4. They are so silly! Just think if adults didn't take themselves so seriously all of the time. There would be more smiles on faces everywhere. Kids live to have fun and my boys are no exception. They thrive on smiling and being silly and being silly is part of their everyday life. I love the silly way they pretend to have accents or speak another language. I love the silly way they wrestle together  . I love the sweet giggles that come from their silliness. I hope they never ever take themselves too seriously and always choose to be silly.

#5. Their hearts are full of compassion. Compassion is one of the most important traits I believe a person can have and because I find it so important I have been exposing my boys to as much acts of compassion as possible. I want them to desire to help others and have open, loving hearts for those in need. I see their compassion developing all the time in their words and their actions. We will be driving and come upon a crash and I will start to hear them pray for those involved in the accident. I hear compassion in their prayers and see it in the little acts of kindness they do all of the time.

#6. They are handsome. I look into those green eyes and swoon. Somedays I can't believe they are mine. God has blessed me with such beautiful, healthy boys. 

#7. They are themselves. Each of my boys are developing their personalities and they couldn't be more different. Kaleb is my creative, compassionate, sensitive and driven child. Kaden is my loving, funny, witty, and easy going child. In their differences I find what makes them so very special and what makes them...them! I would not change anything about them for anything because then they wouldn't be who God meant for them to be.

#8. There hope is in God. My boys have God in their life on a daily basis and to hear words of love and respect for Him is so amazing. They are starting to truly understand the magnitude of what He has done for us and to see their relationship continually grow with Him as well is beautiful.

#9. They love zombies. I love zombies, they love zombies...we are cool...enough said!

#10. Days spent with them, although not always perfect because nothing is perfect, are an adventure. We could be having a bicker free day or a little kid fight club kinda day, but each day is always different and challenges me to be a better parent. I think I learn more from those challenging days than those days where things run smoothly. It is in those challenges that I grow. I may go to sleep discouraged, but I always wake up with a renewed spirit to be a better mommy to boys.

#11. Even though I am getting old, I will be 30 this next year, they make me feel young. Their zest for life and playful spirits are good for me. Playing tag on the playground or building with them brings me back to my childhood and reminds me of how their childhood is a special, formative time.

#12. They will still cuddle with me and promise to still cuddle with me even when they are teenagers. I will be holding them to that!

#13. They are like their Daddy. Each of my boys carry pieces of their Daddy with them. They will do something or say something and I stop dead in my tracks and think to myself that was so Kyle and it makes me smile. To see parts of the man I love coming out in the boys is like a gift to me and I believe it is one way God reminds me why I fell in love with Kyle. They both have their Daddy's great sense of humor  and I get to experience that on a daily basis.

#14. I could be having a horrible day and one smile from one of them just melts away the sadness or stress and brings a smile to my face. They always know how to make me feel better. 

#15. They have helped me to become a better person. Looking back at my life before I was mother, I have can clearly see that I have done so much growing. I know that my boys have helped me to be more aware of how blessed I am and to know for sure which direction I want my life to go in. They make me want to be a better person, even though somedays they make me a crazy person.

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