Thursday, February 24, 2011

Displaying your kid's art...

So I have decided that like many people have food blogs that showcase their delicious baking/cooking skills and highlights tantalizing recipes, I am going to start sharing fun and innovative decorating ideas. I have a love for decorating and find myself constantly trying to find new ways to decorate my home or ways to spice up things I already have in my home. This week I am going to share an idea I got from my sister-in-law Kristen. She created an art display in my nephew Grayson's room using a similar technique, I just did my own little spin on it for Kaleb's room. The best part of this project is that you can do it under $10.00.

Supplies you will need:

~ Curtain rod with hanging brackets
~ Utility rings/clips or shower curtain rings
~ Clothespins
~ Ribbon
~ Glue gun
~ Ruler
~ Your child's artwork

Here are the step-by-step instructions on how to create this fun art display in your child's room

You will start your project with your clothespins. The number
of clothespins depend on the length of your curtain rod. The
shorter the curtain rod the fewer clothespins you will use. The longer
the curtain rod the more clothespins you will use. Each piece of artwork
will need two clothespins to clip onto the rod. I wasable to find these colored
clothespins at Wal-mart for super cheap.

You will need two utility rings/shower curtain rings for each clothespin.
You will take the two utility rings/shower curtain rings and hook
them onto the clothespin creating a link. This link will be the
hook that hooks the art projects onto the curtain rod

This part is optional. In order to add some color to my
art display I added some ribbon to my clothespins. I picked
ribbon that matched the decor in Kaleb's room. You don't
necessarily have to use ribbon though. If you use regular
wooden clothespins, you might want to paint them coordinating
colors, or if it is going in a little girls room you can
add some bling using sparkly decals or stickers.

If you decide to use ribbon to decorate the clothespins
make sure you measure the ribbon and use the same length
ribbon for each clothespin that way there is continuity in the display.

This is what my clothespins looked like completely
finished with the links on and the ribbon as well.

As far as the curtain rod goes, make sure you find one
proportional to the wall that you are putting the display on.
This is what the curtain rod looks like after I
hung it up with the clips already on it.

Then all you need to do is add your child's artwork and
enjoy. I absolutely love this display and what is so great
about it is that this is the kind of decoration that will always
change and grow with your child. I believe that a child's
artwork is priceless, so this is the perfect way to show
your child that you are proud of them!

This is Kaleb's cute room. Because we are just
renting right now I love putting pops of color in
where I can, also using neutrals to create contrast.

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