Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Cargomaster...

We recently took the boys to Kyle's office in the sky so to speak. Since Kyle doesn't have a typical office space it is so much more fun to take the boys to see where he works than a typical job. Once they saw the plane they were pumped. The plane Kyle is flying now is surprisingly a lot bigger than the last one he was flying. It is a lot higher off the ground and with that a lot harder to hoist myself up into. Kyle is no longer instructing other pilots, but he is flying his own plane all by himself (that is right it is Captain Kyle Robinson to you) and instead of another person as his passenger he has packages making the journey with him. He is now the Cargomaster!!!

Kyle made it extra special by giving his boys their very first pair of wings. I didn't know this but he had been saving their pins for this very occasion and I thought it was so sweet of him to do that. Kaleb thought he was the coolest thing with his pin. My boys love being like their Daddy, so much that some nights Kaleb asks to sleep with his shirt off because that is what his Daddy does. I hope my boys grow up to be just like their Daddy because if they do their future wives sure will be lucky.

The boys waiting to go see Daddy's plane

The family's newest pilot...Kaleb
Lots of knobs and meters...don't know how Kyle does it
Kaleb with his wings that his Daddy gave him
My boys in the cockpit
Have you ever seen such cute cargo???

Much bigger than the little Cessnas he was flying
Captain Robinson with his co-pilots

Taking a look at the engine

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